Eniweenee tips and teeny…What’s all the hocus pocus of tea? For thousands of years, tea has been known for its wellness properties. Teas are well-loved throughout the world and are a leading component for a healthy diet. Brewing or steeping tea is all about the experience; your palette will relish in bliss as you experiment and savor the flavor. We believe Magic & Science Enchanting Organic Loose Leaf Tea is delightful, without a doubt the best way to enjoy your brew! With a nice fresh and clean taste, the dazzling aroma and flavor are a direct result of the loose tea which consists of larger leaves. In addition to the enhanced aroma and flavor, leaves keep and contain more of the powerful antioxidants and plentiful plant polyphenols. Tea brewed by the bag (instead of the leaf) scientifically contains fewer of these properties.
Organic loose leaf teas should titillate the taste buds with complex flavors and subtle delights. Magic & Science Enchanting Organic Loose Leaf Tea is carefully selected from a prominent certified organic tea producing company in the southwestern United States. Whenever possible, the ingredients in Magic & Science teas are certified organic. Organic tea is grown without the use of chemical pesticides or fertilizers. Organic growing methods are more labor and cost intensive; however, organic methods scientifically improve the health benefits and flavor of the tea plants produced. Research has found that herbal tea can help prevent certain cancers, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, aid in weight loss and boost the immune system. Organic tea is higher in health promoting polyphenols and catechins. Polyphenols and catechins are the antioxidants that provide many of the health benefits that tea is famous for, and this, my friend, is the Magic & Science of beneficially hydrating your body!
In combination with the Magic & Science Mystic Tea Infusion Glass Water Bottle, our teas may be brewed hot or cold right in the bottle. Your purchase of our Magic & Science Enchanting Organic Loose Leaf Teas in combination with our Magic & Science Freeze Dried Fruit Potions will allow you to discover a variety of combinations that suit your palette to a tea as you delight in a fruit flavored hot tea on a mystical night, a fruity iced tea on a sizzling day, or a sparkling carbonated bubbly to celebrate a win. We sell black, herbal, rooibos, green, Paleo and AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) teas.